Can we rethink our expanding urban spaces as adaptive, dynamic systems instead of chaotic gridlocks? Can we see our increasing population densities as potentially thriving and creative communities instead of highly vulnerable ones? Can we conceive of our growing infrastructure requirements as an opportunity to (re)create sustainable ecosystems instead of brutally modifying them to feed our current consumption models? In the near future, will we have enough creativity to be able to look at 'buildings as trees and cities as forests'?
Do you have first-hand insights into how particular kinds of socio-economic processes and political decisions can manufacture risk?
Have you reflected on innovative ways in which we are working to reduce risks for (and from) our buildings, cities, bridges, levees, dams, oil rigs, nuclear plants, transportation, energy sources/ reserves, carbon emitting industries, agriculture and coastlines, among others?
you thought to yourself time over time, ‘why don’t we learn?’ – as
professionals, as organizations, as governments, as communities? Or, 'why do we learn so slowly?' Have innovative ideas on what could be done better and how?
Write in if you want to become a regular contributor for the disaster diary's 'innovative ideas'.
If you want to participate in the conversation through occasional comments, you can start contributing right away through the 'open space for ideas' or the 'open space for practices'.